It’s a day of music celebration.
Why, you ask?
Because it’s “Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day”. And if you’re a fan of the older country music, you could probably find at least a song or two by every artist from that era. Here’s a list of some that I can think of right now.
A boy named Sue
Absolutely finger lickin’, grits & chicken, country music love song
All my best friends are behind bars
All my ex’s live in Texas
Brown chicken, brown cow
Bubba shot the jukebox
Daydreams about night things
Did I shave my legs for this?
Dip me in beer & throw me to the drunk chicks
Do you love as good as you look
Do you want fries with that?
Don’t come home a drinkin’ with lovin’ on your mind
Don’t forget to remember me
Don’t squeeze my Sharmon
Don’t we all have the right to be wrong
Don’t your memory ever sleep at night
Dreaming with my eyes wide open
Drink myself single
Drop kick me Jesus through the goal posts of life
Drunk on you
Get a little goner
Good pennies keep coming back
Happy birthday, dear heartache
Hard to kiss the lips that chew your ass out all day long
Here’s a quarter, call someone who cares
Hurt me bad in a real good way
I hope you never find someone new
I love women my mama can’t stand
I never promised you a rose garden
I still like bologna
I want you bad & that ain’t good
I watched it all on my radio
I wish that I could hurt that way again
I’ll come back as another woman
I’m gonna hire a wino to decorate our home
I’m your radio
I’ve done enough dying today
If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
If the devil danced in empty pockets
If you’re gonna do me wrong, do it right
It ain’t easy being easy
It’s a business doing pleasure with you
It’s a cheatin’ situation
Let’s get over them together
Life, liberty & the pursuit of happy hour
Mama burned down daddy’s honky tonk
May the bird of paradise fly up your nose
Men buy the drinks, women call the shots
Miss being Mrs
Miss lead me on
My baby loves me when I’m stoned
My baby thinks he’s a train
My give a damn’s busted
Old home fill ‘er up truckin’ cafĂ©
One of a kind, a pair of fools
Prop me up beside the jukebox
Puttin’ the dark back into the night
Save a horse, ride a cowboy
She got the goldmine, I got the shaft
She left me holding the bottle
She thinks my tractor’s sexy
She’s too god at doing all of the wrong things right
Should I come home or should I go crazy
Since you moved out, I moved her in
Sometimes the bottle hits you back
Take your memory with you when you go
Tell your sister I’m single
Tequila makes her clothes fall off
Thank God & Greyhound she’s gone
The more he drinks, the more he thinks
The more I’m around some people, the more I like my dog
The way we make a broken heart
There’s a tear in my beer
They always look better when they’re leaving
Tonight the bottle let me down
Tonight, the heartache’s on me
Too much blood in my alcohol level
Too much month at the end of the money
Too much town, not enough ground
Upper middle class white trash
Watching my baby not coming back
Way past my beer time
We must’ve been out of our minds
What’s a memory like you doing in a love like this
When it rains, I pour
Whiskey, if you were a woman
Who’s gonna mow your grass
Why can’t we all get a long neck
Women keep driving me crazy, and I go along for the ride
You ain’t much fun since I quit drinkin’
You can’t have your Kate & Edith too
You don’t think I’m funny anymore
You made a wanted man of me
You make an angel want to cheat
You’re gonna ruin my bad reputation
You’re playing hard to forget
You’re the kind of trouble I could get into
You’re the reason our kids are ugly
Your memory walks through walls
Your squaw is on the warpath